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Mental Health of Teachers

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Book Code: 1111001999276

Surya Nath Prasad

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Waqfs in India: A Study of Administrative About The Book Waqf is a unique institution, invariably Muslim, though its fruits are enjoyed by all. Contrary to popular belief in India, Waqfs do not support only Muslim places of worship, but also support schools, colleges, libraries, hospitals, musafirkhanas and such other institutions for public and continue to play their humanitarian role. As such there are a central Waqf Board and state Waqf Boards, to oversee and co-ordinate their function. This first well-researched work traces the history and development of Waqfs and discusses in detail the laws and administration of Waqfs in India, various forms of Waqfs, and Waqfs property. Included in the study is the socio-legal aspects of family waqfs. The role of Mutawallia in the administration of Waqfs forms an important chapter. All the pre and post-Independence Waqf legislations and the Waqf Act 1954 have been fully examined by the legal expert which the author is. The book contains all the case decided by Privy council, Supreme Court, High Courts and outer legal institutes. In all, it is the complete, information packed, documentary study of an important institution which should interest advocates, students of Islamic laws, sociology and common citizens all over the world. Contents Preface • History and Development of Waqfs • Waqf Law and Administration of Waqfs in India • The Object and Purposes of a Valid Waqf • Various Forms of Waqfs and Valid Waqf • Various Forms of Waqfs and Waqf Properties • A Socio-Legal Study of Fmily Waqfs in India • A Socio-Legal study of the Role of Mutawallis in the Administration of Waqf Property • Waqf Legislation During Pre-Independence Era • A Socio-Legal Study of Waqf Legislation in India During Post-Independence Era (Waqf Act, 1954) • Waqfa and the Constitutional Law of India in its Socio-Legal Perspective • Conclusion • Table of Case Bibliography • Index. About the author/editor Dr. M.A. Qureshi is Reader in the Department of Law at R.D. University, Jabalpur.

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